Paper presentation @ EuroPLoP 2016

June 22, 2016 1:00 AM

Peter Scupelli and Paul Inventado presented their paper, “Media-type Selection Design Patterns for Problem-solving Content and Support in Online Learning Systems” at the 21st European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP) 2016.

EuroPLoP is the premier European conference on patterns and pattern languages. Design patterns are a unique and effective way to capture and share expertise, tacit knowledge and research findings.


Online learning systems have been gaining popularity, but are not without their challenges. For example, enrollment in MOOCs has slowed down, which is attributed to the lack of sustainability. Research has also shown that relying on delivered content alone results in lower learning gains. However, introducing learning activities increases learning gains as much as six times. These results emphasize the importance of designing high quality learning activities for online learning systems. Although there are many design patterns that may be applied in designing learning activities, they usually operate at a higher level. There is a need for design patterns that address problems in implementing these learning activities. This paper presents four design patterns that focus on helping students learn to represent math problems properly in the context of math online learning systems. These patterns can guide online learning system stakeholders (e.g., system developers, content creators, teachers) in creating high quality learning activities in online learning systems.

Last updated: 1:00 am