Virtual presentation @ Learning Analytics Workshop

August 5, 2015 3:27 PM

Paul Inventado virtually presented “Promoting Online Learning System Design Quality: Utilizing Design Patterns Produced by Data-driven Approaches” at the Learning Analytics workshop.


Many students benefit from online learning systems each year. However, it is not easy to ensure the design quality of these systems due to their complexity. In this paper, the data-driven design pattern production (3D2) methodology is presented as a solution. Specifically, it uses learning analytics and educational data mining to help uncover relationships between student learning outcomes and system designs. Designs that lead to better learning can be formalized into design patterns, which stakeholders can use to guide them in upgrading the online learning system’s components, and adding new content. The approach is further extended into an open, collaborative framework, which allows stakeholders to collaborate in the production of design patterns. A collaborative effort can speed up the pattern production process, improve the quality of the design patterns produced, share benefits among all members, and ultimately, elevate the standards of online learning system development.

Last updated: 3:27 pm