Peter Scupelli portrait

Peter Scupelli is Associate Professor of Design, and Director of the Learning Environments Lab. He was Visiting Professor at Politecnico di Milano (2022-2024) and the Nierenberg Chair (2019-2022). Peter’s current research focus is on design futures and learning environments. He teaches both undergraduate and doctoral-level courses. Peter’s training and career path link architecture, interaction design, human-computer interaction research, and design futures. Peter is co-founder of the Global Design Futures Network.


Ph.D. in Human-Computer Interaction  (2009)
Human-Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University | Pittsburgh, PA.

Dissertation title Designing information hotspots for surgical suites: How architecture, artifacts, and people’s behavior converge to support coordinationCommittee Susan Fussell & Sara Kiesler (co-chairs), Jodi Forlizzi, Mark D. Gross, & Yan Xiao

M.S. in Human-Computer Interaction (2006)
Human-Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University | Pittsburgh, PA.

M.Des. in Interaction Design (2002)
School of Design, Carnegie Mellon University | Pittsburgh, PA.
• Thesis essay title The effect of affordances in communities of practice. Advisor Richard Buchanan
Thesis project title Making process work visible to nomadic teams. Advisor Jodi Forlizzi

Laurea in Architettura [5 year architecture degree with thesis project] (1998)
School of Architecture, University of Genoa |
Genoa, Italy.
Thesis title Stranieri tra i residui della citta’ contemporanea: Un percorso di ricerca attraverso Land Art, Terrain Vague, ed Unheimliche.  [Strangers in the residual spaces of the contemporary city: an inquiry through Land Art, Terrain Vague, and the Uncanny.] Committee Stefano Boeri (chair), Anna Costantini (art critic), Fabrizio Paone (urban planner), & Brunetto DeBattè (architecture researcher). 


EDAC [Evidence-Based Design Accreditation Certification] (2010)
Center for Health Design |
Concord, CA.
• Evidence-based design is an emerging design area in healthcare architecture that links design decisions to the best available research; I apply similar methods for interaction design and design studio environments. 

Climate Reality Leadership Corps (2019) Atlanta.




Scupelli, P. (2023) Teaching to transfer causal layered analysis from futures thinking to design thinking. in De Sainz Molestina, D., Galluzzo, L., Rizzo, F., Spallazzo, D. (eds.), IASDR 2023: LifeChanging Design. October 9-14, 2023. Milan, Italy. link

Bucchetti, V., Barbara, A., Allard, J., Scupelli, P., and Mikhail, R.A.(2023) Identities and [changing] identities: A crossroads of cultures, translation, and digital innovation, in De Sainz Molestina, D., Galluzzo, L., Rizzo, F., Spallazzo, D. (eds.), IASDR 2023: Life-Changing Design, 9-13 October, Milan, Italy.

Scupelli, P. (2022). Does When and How Design Students Learn Causal Layered Analysis Matter? Journal of Futures Studies. link

Scupelli, P. (2021) Teaching Designers to Anticipate Future Challenges with Causal Layered Analysis. IASDR 2021: With Design: Reinventing Design Modes. December 5-9, 2021. Hong Kong, China. link

Barbara, A., & Scupelli, P. (2021). Teaching to dexign futures in cities. TECHNE – Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment, (2), 112-116. pdf download

Scupelli, P. (2020) Teaching to Find Design Opportunities for Behavior Change Through Causal Layered Analysis. Proceedings of the 2020 Human-Computer Interaction International Conference. 2020 HCI International Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Scupelli, P. (2020) The Faster Ones Don’t Always Win: Dexign Futures Thinking for Innovation in Urban Context. 10th United Nations World Urban Forum. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. February 8-13, 2020.

Scupelli, P., Candy, S., & Brooks, Judy (2019) Teaching Futures: Trade-offs Between Flipped Classroom and Design Studio Course Pedagogies. IASDR 2019: Design Revolutions. September 2-5, 2019. Manchester, UK.

Scupelli, P., Fu, Z.,  Zheng, Y & Brooks, J  (2019) Teaching to Dexign Futures in China: A Vision for a Blended Learning Pedagogy to be Deployed at Scale. 9th International Conference the Future of Education. Florence, Italy.

Scupelli, P., Wells-Papanek, D., Wasserman, A., & Brooks, J. (2018) The Futures of Design Pedagogy, Learning, and Education.  Academic Design Management Conference ADMC18, London, UK, (August 1-2, 2018)

Scupelli, P., & Brooks, J.  (2018) What Features of a Flipped Course Improve Design Student Learning Experiences?, Academic Design Management Conference ADMC18, London, UK, (August 1-2, 2018) presentation

Scupelli, P., Wells-Papanek, D., Brooks, J. & Wasserman, A. (2017) Opening a design education pipeline from University to K-12 and Back IASDR 2017, Cincinnati (October 31 – November 3, 2017[60% acceptance rate (173 accepted, 287 submitted)] presentation

Scupelli, P., Brooks, J. & Wasserman, A. (2016) Making Dexign Futures learning happen: A case study for a flipped, Open-Learning Initiative course. Design Educators IDSA International Conference 2016: Making Things Happen. August 17-20, Detroit, MI, USA.  [25% acceptance rate (10 accepted, 41 submitted)]

Scupelli, P., Wasserman, A., Brooks, J. (2016). Dexign Futures: A Pedagogy for Long-Horizon Design Scenarios. Proceedings of DRS 2016, Design Research Society 50th Anniversary Conference. Brighton, UK, 27–30 June 2016.
[11% accepted with revisions,(53 accepted with revisions, 478 submitted)]

Wasserman, A., Scupelli, P., & Brooks, J. (2015) Learning to Dexign the Future. Design Educators Asia Conference 2015. December 1-2, Jockey Club Innovation Tower, Hong Kong, China. [30% acceptance rate,(31 accepted, 105 submitted)] presentation

Wasserman, A., Scupelli, P., & Brooks, J. (2015) Learn!2050 and Design Futures: Lessons learned teaching design futures.  Design Educators IDSA International Conference 2015: Future of the Future. August 19-22, Seattle, WA.
[50% acceptance rate,(21 accepted, 42 submitted)]

Scupelli, P. & Wasserman, A. (2014). Dexign the future: lessons learned from teaching a design studio course on human-centered innovation for exponential times. Oxford Futures Forum, OFF2014, Saïd Business School, Oxford University, May 30-31, 2014.


Jiang, Y., Almeda, M., Kai, S., Baker, R. S., Ostrow, K., Inventado, P. S., & Scupelli, P. (2020). Single Template vs. Multiple Templates: Examining the Effects of Problem Format on Performance. In International Conference on the Learning Sciences.

Inventado, P. S., Scupelli, P., Ostrow, K., Heffernan, N., Ocumpaugh, J., Almeda, V., & Slater, S. (2018). Contextual factors affecting hint utility. International Journal of STEM Education, 5(1), 13.

Inventado, P. S., Inventado, S. G. F., Matsuda, N., Li, Y., Scupelli, P., Ostrow, K., Heffernan, N., Tu, S., Mason, C., Logue, M., & McGuire, P. (2018). Using Design Patterns for Math Preservice Teacher Education. In Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs Irsee, Germany — July 04 – 08, 2018. ACM. New York, NY, USA, 31. 

Inventado, P. S. & Scupelli, P. (2017). An Online Learning Collaboratory to Address Multidisciplinary Learning Challenges at Scale. Interaction Design and Architectures, (33), 11-32.

Inventado, P.S.  Scupelli, P., Heffernan, C., & Heffernan, N.(2017) Feedback Design Patterns for Math Online Learning Systems.  2017 Conference Proceedings of the European Pattern Languages of Programs. (Euro-PLoP 2017) ACM, New York.

Inventado, P.S. & Scupelli, P. (2017 ). Using Contextual Leaning-Environment Features to Identify Design Pattern Appropriateness In Proceedings of the 12th Viking Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (VikingPLoP 2017).  ACM, New York.

Inventado, P., Scupelli, P., Ostrow, K. Heffernan, N. , Almeda, V., & Slater, (2017) Contextual Factors Affecting Hint Utility, STEM journal.

Inventado, P.,  & Scupelli, P. (2016) Design patterns for helping students to learn to represent math problems in online learning systems EuroPlop ’16 Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, 2016

Inventado, P.S. & Scupelli, P. (2016). Design Patterns for Math Problems and Feedback in Online Learning Systems. In Proceedings of the 11th Viking Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (VikingPLoP 2016). ACM, New York, NY, USA.

Slater, S., Ocumpaugh, J., Baker, R., Scupelli, P., Inventado, P.S., and Heffernan, N.  (2016) Semantic Features of Math Problems: Relationships to Student Learning and Engagement The 9th International Conference on Educational Data Mining EDM 2016 Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, June 29, 2016 – July 2, 2016.
[27.5% acceptance rate, (30 accepted, 109 submitted)]

Inventado, P.S., Scupelli, P., Van Inwegen, E., Ostrow, K. Heffernan, N. , Baker, R.,  Slater, S., and Ocumpaugh, J.  (2016) Hint availability slows completion times in summer work. The 9th International Conference on Educational Data Mining EDM 2016 Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, June 29, 2016 – July 2, 2016.
[52% acceptance rate,(51 accepted, 98 submitted)]

Inventado, P.S. & Scupelli, P. (2015) Towards an open, collaborative repository for online learning system design patterns. eLearning Papers, 42(Design Patterns for Open Online Teaching), 14-27. 

Inventado, P.S. & Scupelli, P. (2015) Data Driven Design Pattern Development to Improve Online Learning Systems.  2015 Conference Proceedings of  the European Pattern Languages of Programs. (Euro-PLoP 2015) ACM, New York.

Inventado, P.S. & Scupelli, P. (2015). A Data-driven Methodology for Producing Online Learning System Design Patterns. In Proceedings of the 22nd Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2015). ACM, New York.


Scupelli, P., & Hanington, B. (2016) Design Studio Desk and Shared Place Attachments: A Study on Ownership, Personalization, and Agency. 2016 Conference of the Design Research Society (DRS2016), 27-30 June, Brighton, United Kingdom.

[41% acceptance rate,(199 accepted, 478 submitted)]

Scupelli, P. (2016) Design Studio Individual Workspaces and Collaboration Hotspots. in Dalton, N., Schnädelbach, H., Wiberg, M., Varoudis, T. (Eds.) Architecture and Interaction: Human Computer Interaction in Space and Place. Springer International Publishing Switzerland. Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-319-30026-9

Scupelli, P., & Hanington, B. (2014) An Evidence-Based Design approach for function, usability, emotion, and pleasure in studio redesign.  Proceedings of the Design Research Society. June 16-19 Umea, Sweden.  [51% acceptance rate (134 accepted, 260 submitted)]


Scupelli, P. (2019) Teaching to Transition Design: A Case Study on Design Agility, Design Ethos, and Dexign Futures, Cuadernos,  no. 73, p111-132.

Yun, R., Aziz, A., Lasternas, B., Loftness, V., Scupelli, P., & Zhang, C. (2017). The persistent effectiveness of online feedback and controls for sustainability in the workplace. Energy Efficiency, 10(5), 1143-1153.

Scupelli, P.  (2016) Designed transitions and what kind of design is Transition Design? Design Philosophy Papers, 13(1), 75–84.  [cited 2 times]

Yun, R., Aziz, A., Scupelli, P., Lasternas, B., Zhang, C., & Loftness, V. (2015). Beyond Eco-Feedback: Adding Online Manual and Automated Controls to Promote Workplace Sustainability. In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1989–1992).
[23% acceptance rate; (486 accepted, 2120 submitted)]

Yun, R.,  Scupelli, P.,  Aziz, A., Lasternas, B., Loftness, V. & Wilberforce, N. (2014) Investigating sustainability stages in the workplace. Proceedings of the HCI International Conference.  [50% acceptance rate]

Yun, R.,  Aziz, A., Lasternas, B., Zhang, C., Loftness, V., Scupelli, P., Mo, Y., Zhao, J., & Wilberforce, N. (2014) The design and evaluation of intelligent energy dashboard for sustainability in the workplace. Proceedings of the HCI International Conference.
[50% acceptance rate]

Yun, R.,  Lasternas, B.,  Aziz, A., Loftness, V., Scupelli, P., Rowe, A., Kothari, R., Marion, F., & Zhao, J. (2013) Toward the Design of a Dashboard to Promote Environmentally Sustainable Behavior among Office Workers. Proceedings of the Persuasive Technology Conference 2013.
[22.5% acceptance rate; (12 accepted, 53 submitted)]

Yun, R., Scupelli, P., Aziz, A., & Loftness, V., (2013) Sustainability in the workplace: Nine intervention techniques for behavior change. Proceedings of the Persuasive Technology Conference 2013.
[34% acceptance rate (16 accepted, 47 submitted) ]


Hughes, K., Scupelli, P.,  Fidler, S., & McGaffey, A. (2010) Think, Make, Evaluate, (Evolve): Designing participatory tools to better understand how to help physicians communicate with families about obesity. A case study in sustainable co-design. Challenges and Opportunities for Design Research, Education and Practice in the XXI Century. LeNS Conference, Bangalore, 29th September to 1st October 2010.

Refereed Presentation

Scupelli, P.  & Hughes, K., (2011). Socio-Ecological Service Design: Integrated services for indivuduals, families, organizations, and communities. Service Design Global Conference. San Francisco, CA, USA, October 20-21, 2011.

Unpublished Manuscripts

Scupelli, P. (2011) Get Fit with the Fitwits: A Six-Week Community Game Evaluated.Heinz Endowments evaluation report.

Scupelli, P. (2011) I AM Fitwits: an evaluation of a school-based obesity prevention game. Heinz Endowments evaluation report.

Hughes, K., & Scupelli, P., (2011) Emerge, disseminate, evolve: Three phases to sustainable co-design.

Scupelli, P. & Hughes, K. (2010) Get Fit with the Fitwits: Co-design linked to increased participation in health literacy game.


Scupelli, P., Fussell, S. R., & Kiesler, S., (2010) Architecture and Information Technology as Factors in Surgical Suite Information Sharing and CoordinationProceedings of the 1st ACM International Health Informatics Symposium.
[22% acceptance rate (157 accepted, 714 submitted)]

Scupelli, P., Xiao, Y., Fussell, S.R., Kiesler, S., & Gross, M.D., (2010). Supporting Coordination in Surgical Suites: Physical Aspects of Common Information Spaces. CHI 2010, Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. NY: ACM Press. (pp. 1777-1787).

[22% acceptance rate (302 accepted, 1346 submitted)]

Scupelli, P., Kiesler, S., & Fussell, S. R., (2007). Using isovist views to study placement of large displays in natural settings. CHI ‘07 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 2645-2650). NY: ACM Press.
[36% acceptance rate; (212 accepted, 582 submitted)]

Ren, Y., Kiesler, S., Fussell, S.R., & Scupelli, P. (2007). Supporting large-scale collaboration in critical environments. Proceedings of the [40th] Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Computer Society Press.
[40% acceptance rate (451 accepted, 1125 submitted)]


Scupelli, P., Fussell, S. R. & Kiesler, S. (2007). Juggling work among multiple projects and partners. Proceedings of the [40th] Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Computer Society Press.
[40% acceptance rate (451 accepted, 1125 submitted)]

Scupelli, P., Kiesler, S., Fussell, S. R., & Chen, C. (2005). Project View IM: A tool for juggling multiple projects and teams. CHI ‘05 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1773-1776). NY: ACM Press.

Fussell, S. R., Kiesler, S., Setlock, L. D., Scupelli, P., & Weisband, S. (2004). Effects of instant messaging on the management of multiple projects. Proceedings of CHI 2004 (pp. 191-198). NY: ACM Press.
[16% acceptance rate (93 accepted, 578 submitted)]


Godwin, K.E., Leroux, A.J., Scupelli, P. & Fisher, A.V. (2022), Classroom Design and Children’s Attention Allocation: Beyond the Laboratory and into the Classroom. Mind, Brain, and Education.

Godwin, K. E., Leroux, A. J., Seltman, H., Scupelli, P., & Fisher, A. V. (2022). Effect of Repeated Exposure to the Visual Environment on Young Children’s Attention. Cognitive Science, 46(2), e13093.

 Almeda, V.A., Scupelli, P., Baker, R.S., Weber, M. & Fisher, A. (2014) Clustering of design decisions in classroom visual displays. Learning at Scale. (LAK 2014) p. 44-48
[29% acceptance rate (13 accepted, 44 submitted)]

Tan, D.S., Gergle, D., Scupelli, P.,& Pausch, R. (2006). Physically large displays improved performance on spatial tasks.  ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 13(1), 71-99.
[Impact Factor: 1.833 (2010); citations]

Tan, D.S., Gergle, D., Scupelli, P., Pausch, R. (2004). Physically large displays improve path integration in 3D virtual navigation tasks. Proceedings of CHI 2004 (pp. 439-446).NY: ACM Press.
[16% acceptance rate (93 accepted, 578 submitted) citations]

Tan, D.S., Gergle, D., Scupelli, P., & Pausch, R. (2003). With similar visual angles, larger displays improve performance on spatial tasks. Proceedings of CHI 2003 (pp. 217-224).NY: ACM Press.
[16% acceptance rate (75 accepted, 468 submitted) ]

invited articles in books and magazines [in Italian]

Scupelli, P. (2002). Silence in the landscape. in C. Bonicco & R. Garelli (eds), Nomadismi: 10 Contributi Provinciali e 5 Tracce Trasversali su Architettura e Paesaggio, [Nomadisms: 10 Contributions from the province and 5 transversal traces on
architecture and landscape] (pp. 90-95).

Scupelli, P. (1999, May). Stranieri tra i residui della città contemporanea [Strangers among the residuals of the contemporary city]. Gomorra, 2, 96-98.

Scupelli, P. (1998, November/December). Esplorazioni attorno a Genova [Explorations around Genoa]. in Giuseppe. Bimestrale di Architettura, 3(6), 10.


Commisso, D. (2015) Designing the Future. October 5, 2015. Carnegie Mellon Today.

Ward, L. (2013)Energy Dashboards Enter the Office Cubicle: Studies Give Workers Tools to Monitor and Reduce Their Individual Energy Use Wall Street Journal retrieved September 22, 2013

Imperfect Health – Carnegie Mellon University | CMU. (n.d.). Retrieved March 28, 2013, from

Boeri, S. (2000, June). Tre posti caldi: A12, Cliostraat, Stalker [Three hot spots: A12, Cliostraat, Stalker]. in Abitare, 396, 150-163.

Molinari, L. (1999, September/October). Sguardo nomade [Wandering eyes].
Ottagono: Design and Designers, 134, 46-51.


Feldman, H.P., & Obrist, H.U. (2002). Interarchive, Lünenberg: Kunstraum der
Universität Lünenberg.

La Biennale di Venezia. 7. Mostra internazionale di architettura: Less aesthetics more
(2000). Venice: Marsilio.

Salvadeo, P. (ed.). (1997). Paesaggi di architettura: Infrastrutture, territorio, e progetto [The landscape of architecture: Infrastructure, territory and design]. Milan: Skira.

Secchi, B. (ed.). (1996). Un progetto per Prato: Il nuovo piano regolatore [A project for Prato: The new urban plan]. Florence, Italy: Alinea.

Cadorna – Bovisa. (1995). Milan: La Triennale di Milano & Electa.

De Carlo, G. (1995). Reading and Design of the Territory 1. San Marino, International Laboratory of Architecture and Urban Design. Milan: I.L.A.U.D.


Scupelli, P.  (2016). Teaching Interaction Design in  Physical, Digital, and Hybrid
2016 IXDA Educators Conference. Helsinki, Finland. February 28-29.

Scupelli, P.  (2012). Four Evidence-Based Design Guidedlines for Coordination in Surgical Suites. 10th Annual Medical Humanities Consortium Conference. Under Construction: Hospitals, Healthcare, and the Medical Humanities. Pittsburgh, PA, USA, May 21, 2012.

Scupelli, P.  & Hughes, K., (2011). Socio-Ecological Service Design: Integrated services for individuals, families, organizations, and communities. Service Design Global Conference. San Francisco, CA, USA, October 20-21, 2011.

Scupelli, P.  (2011). Assessing Practical Impact of Surgical Suite Research. iConference 2011,  Seattle, WA, USA, February 8-11, 2011.


Scupelli, P. (2023) Global Design Futures Network Mission, Vision, and three-year roadmap proposal at the Design Futures Online Workshop for UNESCO World Futures Day 2023 at Tsinghua University on December 4, 2023.
Scupelli, P. (2023) Global Design Futures Network Community Conversation at the GDFN 2023 Symposim & workshops in Bali, Indonesia at the Tsinghua Southeast Asia Center on November 16-19, 2023.
Scupelli, P. (2023) Dexign Thinking: Finding Design Opportunities in Societal Transitions at the Connections Lecture Series Carnegie Mellon University – Qatar, on November 14, 2023 .
Scupelli, P. (2023) Some experiential dexign thinking for alternative metaverses  Keynote at the “REFLECTING on the Metaverse through Experiential Futures” as part of the Design Thinking JAM, Sixth Edition of the Observatory of Design Thinking for Business, Rethinking Design Thinking, School of Management, Politecnico di Milano. Hosted at the NHOW Milano (Via Tortona, 35 – 20144 Milano), January 26, 2023.
Scupelli, P. (2022) How might Futures and Design mix? Alternative Futures for Futures Thinking in Design Education International Design Futures Conference 2022. Politecnico di Milano, in the Metaverse. December 2, 2022.
Scupelli, P. (2021) Futures in Design Education? International Design Futures Conference 2021. Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University. Beijing, China, November 13, 2021.
Scupelli, P. (2021) Teaching Designers to Explore Challenges with Causal Layered Analysis. Future Pioneer Futures Summer School Invited Lecture organized by Tsinghua University and OCT Innovation & Research Institute. July 29, 2021. Milano, Italy.
Scupelli, P. (2020). Teaching to Dexign Futures. International Design Futures Conference. Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University. Beijing, China, November 07, 2020.
Scupelli, P. (2020). Dexign Futures for Challenging Times. Design Futures Digital Salon. Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University. Beijing, China, July 05, 2020.
Scupelli, P. (2019). Teaching to Future – Tradeoffs Between Flipped Classroom and Design Course Pedagogies. Georgia Tech, School of Interactive Computing. College of Computing. March  13, 2019.
Scupelli, P. (2018). What are some boundaries for design education? Design 3.0 International ForumAcademy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University. Beijing, China, October 21, 2018.
Scupelli, P. (2018). Olympics as Desirable Futures. China National Arts Fund- Training Innovative Art and Tech Talents for the Winter Olympic Games. Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University. Beijing, China, June 9, 2018.
Scupelli, P. (2018). Transitioning Design to align short-term and long term design US2020 STEM Collaboratory workshop. Pittsburgh, PA, February 1, 2018.
Scupelli, P. (2017). Teaching to transition design. Glasgow School of Art (GSA). Winter School 2017. Forres, Scotland. January 25, 2017.
Scupelli, P. (2016). Dexign Futures: align short-term and long-term design. AR2U Alliance for the Arts in Research Universities  University of Colorado, Denver, Colorado. November 4, 2016.
Scupelli, P.  (2016). Improving Online Learning Experiences with Big Data, Design Patterns, Randomized Control Trials, and Online Repositories. HAN University of Applied Sciences. Arnhem, Netherlands, April 16, 2016.
Scupelli, P.  (2016). Post-HCI worlds: Exploring design spaces with environments, values, narratives, and time horizons. Virginia Tech University. Blacksburg, VA. March 18, 2016.
Scupelli, P.  (2014). Collaborative spaces and individual workspaces in design studios: a study on ownership, personalization, agency, emotion, and pleasure. Indiana University. Bloomington, IN, October 24, 2014.
Scupelli, P.  (2014). An Inquiry Into Design Studio Story Making. NTNU,  [Norwegian University of Science and Technology] Trondheim, Norway, March 11, 2014.
Scupelli, P.  (2011). Behavior Change Through Interaction Design. Maya Design. Pittsburgh, PA, April 14, 2011.
Scupelli, P.  (2011). Design in the context of complex problems. Division of Design, School of Art, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, March 7, 2011.
Scupelli, P.  (2010). Supporting coordination in surgical suites with architecture, information artifacts, and people’s behavior. Grand rounds Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA, January 27, 2010.
Scupelli, P.  (2009). Using architecture, artifacts, and people’s behavior to support coordination. Industrial Design Institute Science and Technology, Daejeon, Republic of Korea, October 8, 2009.
Scupelli, P.  (2007). Does the location of surgical suite schedule whiteboards matter?
Scupelli, P.  (2005). Juggling multiple tasks and partners. In-Group Graduate Research Symposium, Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University, September 16, 2005.
Scupelli, P.  (2004). Project View Instant Messenger: Managing multiple tasks and partners online. HCII Graduate Research Presentations. Human-Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, August 21, 2004.
Scupelli, P.  (2000). How does the physical environment effect experience design?  Experience Design Roundtable, Blattner Brunner, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA. December 10, 2000

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