Design Critique
Increasingly, design educators are being asked to instruct larger studio courses and teach design courses with geographically distributed students and clients. A campus wide group of HCII, Design, ETC and IDEATE faculty seek to extend knowledge on teaching design studio courses. Our overarching goal is to develop new and improved online tools for enhancing design education in traditional, expanded and distributed studio courses.
In this webpage, we explore how online technology can support design critique and enhance student learning in design studio courses. We propose to create a repository of online tools that support design critique. The repository of online critique tools, the content of the critiques, an assessment of the critique comments, and the quality of the design projects create a valuable corpus of data to study design critique processes and improve online critique tools. The content of the design critiques will be used to study the design critique process and extract design critique heuristics. The critique heuristics of experts can in turn be used to scaffold novices to learn to conduct better critiques. The repository will also serves as a platform for future research.
Visit the dedicated Design Critique page to learn more.