During Critique for Critics

Critic During

1) Interpret the Artifact

  • What does the artifact say about the Presenter’s thinking, culture, ethics, development, etc.
  • Is there anything you need to clarify? Are there any issues you have noticed? What is good about their work? Start thinking about your opinions can be phrased as neutral questions.


2) Converse With Presenter(s) to Lead Up To Opinions

  • Indicate what’s compelling about the artifact
  • Answer the Presenter’s questions honestly and respectfully
  • Ask neutral, open-ended questions in areas where you need clarification or where you have opinions. Ask general questions before specific questions.
  • Ex. What texture were you going for in this cake? vs. Why is the cake so dry?


3) Notice & Identify Issues of Current Artifact

  • Be sure the issues are based on project goals or user needs and not your personal preferences.


4) Choose the Most Effective Delivery Method of Critique

  • How should you communicate your critique to the Presenter in the most effective manner considering individual differences?
  • Is the presenter a Listener, Thinker, Skeptic, Follower, Misinterpreter, or Affirmed?


5) Give Permissioned Opinions

  • State opinions in the format of: “I have an opinion about… Do you want to hear it?”
  • Focus on WHY something doesn’t work
  • Give actionable suggestions but let the Presenter solve the problem
  • Conclude opinion with a positive statement
  • Don’t engage in dialogue with other Critics (if any) apart from the Presenter


6) Make Sure Presenter(s) Know the Next Steps

  • How can you guide the Presenter to having the right experiences that lead to the insights they need?


7) Learn from Critiques of Others’ Work

  • Pay attention and take notes on comments that are relevant to your own artifact.



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